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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Screensavers and movies (was: Want a different screensaver?)

Hi Michael,

I think it is only available from the DVD. I didn't do anything; it
loaded itself.


Michael B. Holt wrote:
> Ed Greany wrote:
> >
> > I have a great screensaver. I got the U-571 DVD movie and watched some
> > of it on my computer. After I was done, the CD had automatically loaded
> > a screensaver on my computer with underwater view of submarine
> > appearing, depth charges going off, etc. along with sonar pinging and
> > other great sounds. I highly recommend the movie and the screensaver.
> I loved the movie, but I've never seen the screensaver.  is it
> downloadable from somewhere?
> By the way, the U-995 screensaver isn't quite right.  It doens't
> fill my screen: some of it isn't visible.
> The U-995 screensaver is a diagram of the boat with a photo of
> the compartment and a description (In German, of course).
> More on movies: I went to the studio site for U-96, the boat
> from Das Boot.  There were photos of the conning tower, and
> one of them had the number U-41 on it.  The photographer found
> that the conning tower had been loaned to another studio for a
> different movie, but no one at the studio seemed to know
> anything about the other movie.  Anyone know anything?