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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Pleading

> Ray Keefer wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone decipher this one? I almost understand it.

I love this sort of thing, Ray.  I have about a half-dozen
Russian girl friends on line, and this is the sort of thing
most of them send me.  Discussing computer stuff is kinda h
hairy when translation programs don't know the jargon.

Mikhail Holt

> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
> From: "Kajin" <kajin@volny.cz>
> To: <ray@psubs.org>
> Subject: Pleading
> Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 12:18:55 +0100
> X-Priority: 3
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4133.2400
> Dear friends and the lovers affair around the submarines,
> I found you presentated #WWW# pp. about the submarines, that are very
> neat.

I found your website, and it's very complete and impressive.

> Design and I want to pitch #mini# - pig-boat for 3 persons,
> however/but have  challenge. 

A group of us want to design a mini-submarine for three persons, but 
we have a problem.

>I can ' t eat establishment, that manufactures the filter  air from
> off #CO2# (#scruber# #CO2# ).

We can't locate a company that makes CO2 scrubbers.

> Since personally you have got the sharp review
> around matter to the submarines, demanding you, if would you are to me
> did not
> help in quest and wrote to me bequest on company, evenly on bird, that
> do have  got with generation #scruber# #CO2# practice .

Since those of you at PSUBS have the background in submarines 
we lack here, I ask if you might be able to assist us in the
quest for a CO2 scrubber.

> Thanks for of answer in advance I am much obliged, with the greeting,
> Karel
> #Hybl#, Czech the republic
> P. With : I ' m sorry thanks for English, favour them translated in
> translating program
> ------------- End Forwarded Message -------------

They're usually very polite, but their English lacks a lot.
I daresay our Czech (or is it Serbo-Croation?) lacks more
than their English.

By the way, I've never seen # used for ", but that seems to
be what's going on here.  I wonder if the keyboard driver he
has is not the one my girl friends use.   I never see that
error from them.

