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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Convention 2001 sampler no.IV

Hi just the sampler and some links for the convention -
please just add one or two lines with name and things
you bring with you if you r-e-a-l-l-y wish to come.


  1.) Vance Bradley and family
  2.) Gene Seus and family and a minesweeper hull
  3.) Carsten Standfuss with wife and some pictures
        (with time window 01.06 - 31.08)
  4.) Ray Keefer and maybe his wife.
        (with time window 18.06 - 31.08)
  5.) Dale Heinzig and wife, and maybe his sub
  6.) Karl Fuller(maybe) with Kiwi fruit and Steinlarger
  7.) Karl S.Lutrell ?
  8.) Steve and April McColman, 
        (with time window 15.08.-30.08.)
  9.) Alec Smyth (maybe with family, not sure), pictures
        (with time window : any time)
 10.) Greg Snyder and wife Stephanie, medicinal wine
 11.) Big Dave and maybe his wife
 12.) Sean T.Stevenson and PLC control concepts for sub
 13.) Gary R.Boucher with Vindicator pictures
	(with two windows : 12.06-28.06 and 05.08-23.08)
 14.) Ty Alley (?) (with time window : any time) 

Steve needs/want 15.08 - 30.08 and Gary 05.08 - 23.08
so the only time all people which respons up today have 
time is a small window from 15.08 to 23.08.2001. 
There is only one weekend in this window 
the Sa. 18.08 to So.19.08. 

So we have a first date : (16)17-19 August 2001.  

Please anybody on this list which have not response
the time request (and of course all person which come 
in next time) and which n-e-e-d a special time area 
outside this area - send a mail with the headline 
"Convention time" to Ray !


  a.) maybe visit the Ben Franklin submarine at the 
       Vancouver Maritime Museum
       see at : http://maritime.org/hnsa-benfranklin.htm

  b.) maybe visit Phil's submersibles pre-museum 
       or/and Nuytco see at: http://www.nuytco.com/
  c.) maybe visit the Simrad Sonar Factory near Vancouver
      (organized by Karl S.Lutrell) 
       see at : http://www.simrad.ca
                      (is that possible on a weekend ?)

  d.) Visit International Venturcraft (SportSub Factory)
       (organized by Steve McColman)
       see at : http://www.ivccorp.com/
                       (is that possible on a weekend ?)

  e.) maybe show the first time the Pat-Video ( Pat ??)
                       (are you ready ?)

  f.) maybe visit International Submarine Engineering
         in Port Coquitlam (organized by Sean Stevenson)
        see at : http://www.ise.bc.ca/

  g.) maybe Ballard Power Systems, see at WWW.Ballard.com 
      maybe Imagenex Electronics, 
      maybe Hard Suits, 
      maybe Fleet Diving Unit,
      maybe Offshore Navigation, 
      maybe Pacific Marine Training Centre, 
      maybe Can-Dive, 
   I.AIP, CCD, FC, HM, EM, underwater power units,
     how to calculate and the difference between them.
     In more or less english - by Carsten S.
  II.PLC control concepts for sub -by S.Stevenson

 (If there is a mistake with names or other datas send 
   a mail to Ray - thank you - Carsten)

Next step : A man/woman in Vancouver area who organize 
	    a room in a - for example-  yachtclub.  

Hi Ray - the ball is back to you - thank you - Carsten