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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Convention was : Kittredge plans

Hi Vance..

VBra676539@aol.com schrieb:
> Carsten,
> There seems to be a problem with the drag coefficient of all that wire at
> 1000 kph. Maybe someone will work that out for you?
I can do it myself but the drag coefficient of 36.000 foot of steel wire
during a static, vertical dive test in longitudinal direction should be
not far away from zero. But maybe there are currents..
But seems difficult to dive the sub without a person in. So first idear
was to fill 80 Liters ( 178lbs) water in to make the bouancy a little 
negative for the first 1000 foot. Unfortunatly a one day and one night
calculation shows that the 80 liter water inside the sub is not very
compressible - so the sub gets not so small that it could be
in the hand luggage size of the most unexpensive airlines.  
But lucky there are a lot of very small in volume and very havy in
us build uranium 238 bullets for free in the Irak dessert. 
They are very happy if somebody remove them. I can fill the sub with
20 of this bullets and it will be maximal compact compressed. 

Unfortunatly I found out that the volume of the sub gets much smaller
the weight is still the same. So if I managed to put my hand luggage
on the belt conveyor of the x-ray station on the airport it will be
maybe destroy the belt unit - if not, it will be maybe damaged the 
X-ray station himself by the radiation. The other way to carry the 
sub under my clothes will also not work because of the metal dector on 
the entrance to the terminal. Also I am not shure if 80 kg of old 
uranium 238 under a pressure of 36.000 foot can be may generate a bigger
nuclear wave problem. But for all this problems we can find maybe
a simple solution.. 

The biggest problem on this "propane ballast tank matter" is  
thet the rope is more expensive than to carry the sub un-compressed
with a cargo ship to Vancouver. For this there is no technical

> I agree about the visit. The good news is that Phil has several old subs to
> look at in the collection destined to fill the museum he is planning. I hope
> he will be in town when we are and let us visit.
Hope that one of the Vancouver or around boys will managed the
convention ..

> Besides that, we'd love to see Sabine again. You can come, too, of course.

I told this Sabine yesterday - she is still smileing..

- Carsten 
> Best Regards,
> Vance