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Re: Vertical speed : was [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Test and questions

MerlinSub@t-online.de wrote:
> Okay, unfortunatly the email programm has no formula maker..
> so I have to descripe them as best as I can ..
> Vertikal speed          = Vvert (m/s)
> Overweight/underweight  = Fvert (N)

Is this the variation from neutral buoyancy?

> Desinty of water        = ro for saltwater 1025 kg/m3

I've had a lot of trouble finding this number.  Thanks.

> Water resistands of a horizontal cylinder
> in vertikal direction with a l/d (length to diameter)= 10
>         = Cw = 0,82 (for metric units..)
> Area (medium length  x beam)    = A (m x m = m2)
> Formula:
> Vvert = square roots of (( 2 x Fvert) divided by (ro x Cw x A))

Thanks, Carsten.   I'm working on a program to calculate this.
As soon as it works, I'll send you a copy.

