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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Propane subs

Ken , Craig,
New ideas, risk takers... people do like new ideas just most of them prefer others to make the first step.
And this forum is full of folks willing to go ahead with new ideas
But I know for sure that a good pilot or a good submariner is an old pilot or a old submariner. If we dont live in caves it is because those who took the risks, calculated them and survived them. Take uncalculated risks and you die it is as simple as that, and there is no benefit nor courage in that.
Taking a risk in diving in submarine which uses propane as a mean of ballasting is a calculated risk to die, it won t work, ever, and it is stupid because there are other designs, working , proven, for ballasting so why insisting on that matter there is nothing to discover here. I am not talking about using propane for propulsion which is fine.
But the idea of venting propane outside is crazy, I beleive it is even against the law for safety reasons, not only for the pilot but for your neighbors, you blow up yourself alone too bad,  you blow up with the curious boater who made the mistake of being curious looking at your machine this is manslaughter.  Propane is heavier than air, it smells, it builds up and a back fire can ignite a tank propane, with or without Oxygen, this is a fact, should i recall you that flight TWA800 blew up in the sky because of the explosion of a fuel tank after take off, I am quite sure that the amount of O2 inside the tank was close to nothing, but it blew up anyway.
Not sure? well YOU try
----- Original Message -----
From: Subscuba@aol.com
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 8:09 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Propane subs


Don't sweat the negative criticism. I don't like to hear people attack the
person instead of the idea. I think most people are resistant to new ideas
even if they are dangerous or not. If we didn't take risks we would still be
living in caves.
Just bear in mind that risk takers sometimes die. This site is full of risk
takers despite some of the talk. Who ever wants to build a steel or
fiberglass coffin is a risk taker.
I think we need to take the risks carefully but take them anyway. I used to
be a cave diver so I'm familiar with risks.

Best of luck to you but be careful,

Ken Martindale