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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Propane subs

----- Original Message -----
From: <CWall@swri.edu>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 9:12 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Propane subs

> Spoken like a true Socialist Kiwi, Karl.  I'm still waiting for input
> "that scares me".
> "Not addicted to social approval" in San Antonio, Texas....
> Craig Wall

Craig, you have misquoted me to serve you own ends, what I said was:

"If you value your life, I advise not to do it this way but to rethink some
more safety in your design. The motivation for me writing this is concern
that you may start a project which not only could disappoint but be life

What more imput on the 'propane aspect' do you need? Many of us feel the
propane aspect unsafe and I can't think of a way to make it safer and
neither does, it seems, anyone else, not that the dicussion should end
there. It has absolutely nothing to do with being "scared"
You have not convinced me that you have any ideas that could make propane
safe and certainly not in respect to ballast. It seems to me (unless you or
anyone can convice me otherwise ), that there will be an unexceptable level
of risk, no matter what kind of expert you proclaim to be with gases.
However your acceptable level of risk might differ from mine it seems. I've
sailed single handed across thousands of ocean miles, to me that is
acceptable, to date, propane and subs mixed are not!

I was not going to respond to you but if you wish to imply I am a
"socialist" or "addicted to social approval" and then hide behind naming
your  state as though a badge, you not only embarrass your fellow country
man but validate my suspicion that you are "simply ignorant" If you prefer
non-"nanny" like comments then see if this fits. Your propane-submarine
ideas are narrow, potentially unsafe and ill-conceived. But I do like your
inventiveness and thinking 'outside the box.'

Regards, Karl.