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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] The REAL Captain Nemo...

Thanks a lot, Sudsy.  Good hearing from you.  I guess there's a little
Captain Nemo in each of us; but Phil's the most prolific and innovative sub
builder I know of.  I think that's why NASA turns to NUYTCO: I can't think
of anyone in the U.S. that does what he does; and his small deep-diving subs
are just the thing for recovering solid rocket boosters.

Glad you asked about the videos; gives me a chance to provide an update for
those who might be wondering.  The NAUTILUS MINISUB VIDEO is postponed until
we finish the 20,000 LEAGUES film shoot for the DISCOVER CHANNEL; then, our
video will include how we moved to Hawaii and established the VULCANIA
(hopefully) a lot of good underwater video of the submarine in the ocean
here.  So I'm hoping everyone will find the delay worth the wait, from the
standpoint of the final product being a lot better than originally planned.

HOMEBUILT SUBMARINES is coming together; I'm still on hold for a few guys,
and as a new bit of news: we've added the great grandson of the Reverend
George Garrett to the History section.  Bill recently found the original
RESURGAM sunk off the coast of Scotland, and is sending us some footage
about that project for use in our video

Lately,  I've been approached by the organizers of EUROPE FAIR 2001,
scheduled for September in Strasbourg.  This ten-day event usually draws
about 1/4 million spectators each year; this year the theme is "Great
Inventions and Inventors"; they are doing a display on Jules Verne, and want
to feature my NAUTILUS.  I doubt that I'll be shipping it to Europe, but we
intend to be represented by poster-sized photographs and video displays.
(Doin' what we can to make people aware of personal submarines!)

VULCANIA SUBMARINE BOATYARD is in full swing again.  I've made some
excellent new contacts lately with local steel suppliers; and have spent the
last two days making a huge roller device (with an annular track) capable of
rotating the NAUTILUS to any angle; to facilitate the work we're doing in
preparation for the DISCOVERY CHANNEL shoot.  It looks like I should be able
to complete the HYPERSUB next year, as well.

The owner of the local steel supply and I got into talking submarines.  He
gave me a referral to a company which has all the machines necessary to
produce just about any shape steel parts I may want.  This means I can build
those large pressure hulls I've been designing for years; and either a
multi-passenger utility sub or one whopping-big NAUTILUS is feasible.  So,
those of you out there who have been contemplating building a submarine, but
saying the metal fab companies won't have any part of it: keep knocking on
doors!  There are people out there doing the kind of tasks we can't perform
in our backyard shops, and some of them ARE willing to produce parts for
homebuilt submarines!  Don't give up hope.

Take care, Suds.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Suds" <paul_suds@hotmail.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] The REAL Captain Nemo...

> Hey Guys haven't had a chance to look at psub e-mails for months. A patent
> lawsuit and business ventures keep me really busy. Nemo, I consider you
> real Nemo type. You contribute a lot, are innovative, and share your
> knowledge. If you had millions, I'm sure you'd spend some of that money on
> subs. You, as well as others on here tend to put your words into actions.
> don't know Phil, but if NASA is using a foreign company for underwater
> recovery efforts, he must have a lot going for him. Just remember though
> that it's sometimes the little guy working in his backyard, that increases
> the state of the art. These people are able to bring concepts to reality.
> I'm usually a technical guy, and don't comment on such people issues, but
> have a lot of respect for just about everyone on this site, especially Ray
> for putting this all together. Keep up the good work Captain Nemo, and all
> the others on here. I can't wait to get a copy of your video.
> Oh well, with that said, I'd just like to let you all know that I am alive
> and enjoy reading the psub stuff. I hate having half done projects, but
> sometimes priorities change....Suds
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