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Bright and early Monday Morning, and I am back at work, after a very warm weekend here in sunny Alberta... I was not expecting the weather to be so warm, but being that it was, I tried to arrange to launch the ol'sub..  after several false starts on friday, and then again on saturday, it was finally a go for sunday......
I am happy to announce that "Snoopy" has completed its first dive..it officially hit the water on October 15th, at 15:15 hrs, and went under the water for the first time at 16:50.  The dive only lasted 5 min, but was completely successful..  This is now a functioning Submarine,  the only minor problem, was one that George described in his book..(I just lived the experience as well).. I blew all the ballast tanks, and I was still way out of the water.. after adding some ballast in the form of large rocks, I was finally able to get under the water... everything worked as planned..Pictures will be posted as soon as I get them developed...
And Pat.. the video and stills will be comming your way for the "Homebuilt Subs Video" as soon as I get them all organized...