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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Dale's 1st Dive...

----- Original Message -----
From: Dale
To: Psubs
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 12:58 PM

Bright and early Monday Morning, and I am back at work, after a very warm weekend here in sunny Alberta... I was not expecting the weather to be so warm, but being that it was, I tried to arrange to launch the ol'sub..  after several false starts on friday, and then again on saturday, it was finally a go for sunday......
I am happy to announce that "Snoopy" has completed its first dive..it officially hit the water on October 15th, at 15:15 hrs, and went under the water for the first time at 16:50.  The dive only lasted 5 min, but was completely successful..  This is now a functioning Submarine,  the only minor problem, was one that George described in his book..(I just lived the experience as well).. I blew all the ballast tanks, and I was still way out of the water.. after adding some ballast in the form of large rocks, I was finally able to get under the water... everything worked as planned..Pictures will be posted as soon as I get them developed...
And Pat.. the video and stills will be comming your way for the "Homebuilt Subs Video" as soon as I get them all organized...
Lord, Bless the SNOOPY and protect the brave souls onboard.  Amen.
Of all the people who have ever lived, what percentage would you estimate have built and piloted their own submarine? 
I think this calls for a speech, Dale.  And I believe everyone would like to hear you describe what it was like:  the FEELINGS you experienced when you submerged for the first time; what it felt like to be under water in a vessel of your own making; and especially, those moments when you prepared to surface, and when the conning tower finally broke into the daylight again. 
Very best regards,
Pat Regan