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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] perry oceanographic submersible

    Perry is transmorgified to a gov't service outfit now that doesn't talk 
much about its work (to the public). Then there is Perry Tritech, or whatever 
it is called these days, that builds and supports ROVs. The old Perry shop is 
still there, in Riviera Beach, doing this and that, but not manufacturing 
anything manned that I know of.
    Perry Oceanographics no longer exists as a designer/builder, and I hear 
that the lawyers have nightmares worrying about their liabilities with all 
the subs out there doing what they were fabricated to do. I don't think there 
were too many of the wet subs built. The first one was for John Perry to 
shark hunt in--for real--thus the name. Then some attempts were made to build 
systems for the Navy. Then Hap Perry built the Reef Hunters for awhile .... 
then everyone got bored and went and did something else, unfortunately for 
the rest of us.
    Anyone who wants a Perry Cubmarine of either the wet or dry persuasion 
today will need to buy it used. Believe me, I wish it wasn't true. I'd 
probably still be down there puttering around the shop if I could.
Best Regards,