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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: That PM sub with tracks ...

>unixjedi@chaoticarts.com wrote:
>> Ah-ha! Found it, thanks. My wife thanks you as well... she is already
>> trying to lease a garage somewhere to build it in *chuckle*

Michael B. Holt wrote:
>She needs to be signed on here.  We need to know that there 
>really are women who like this kind of thing, and who understand it
>well enough to discuss it.  None of the women I've met can do that.
>Most of them just sigh and tell me about their damn flowers.

:-) From now on, Mike will refer to her simply, reverently as "THE woman."

Osage MN USA
buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner