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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] What's goin' down?

Hi Captain,

I'll toss a few at you:


There're designed to sink

Going deep


Looking Glass - to an underwater world.

Nerves of steel to a world of wonder

Escape Machines

Beattles/pods/shuttles to the Next Frontier

Deep Pioneers

Common Man to the Sea

Underwater Access

Volkswagons of the Deep

Dare to Submerge

Extreme sub-machines


> "You could call it "Minisubs," "Small
> Sumersibles/Submarines/Subs/Whateverthebloodyblueblazesyoucanthinkof,"
> "Minisub Fever," "Point-two leagues under the sea," "Nuts with Time and
> Steel" or one of many other names that are possible (although not 100%
> recommended)."
> The title HOMEBUILT SUBMARINES is out because some of our subjects aren't
> homebuilts.  All references to "small" submarines are out because some of
> the boats we'll be featuring (like the ATLANTIS) aren't small.  And I doubt
> people in the commercial business of building and selling submersibles (like
> SPORTSUBS) would want themselves characterized as "nuts".  So, thank you for
> your suggestions, but I'm still looking for a new name for the video.  (I
> thought about calling it PERSONAL SUBMERSIBLES, but that's already in use.
> Any of you other guys got any ideas?)
