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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hydrogen Peroxide


Divers in the local area used to use a home cooked (partial pressure) method 
of mixing gases to get "Hyperoxy," now called Nitrox. The source of the gas 
was from the local welding shop as you have suggested.

One diver used the oxygen and died from it. Seems like CO (carbon monoxide) 
was allowed as a contaminate in the welding gas. Since the gas was being used 
not as a welding gas, his widow didn't have much luck with a lawsuit. Of 
course, even with a successful lawsuit, it wouldn't have helped the diver.

Medical grade oxygen has much tighter quality control and might be safer to 
use. I know the source of the oxygen is the same.

I toured the Ben Franklin when it was in West Palm. I understand there was a 
report written after the voyage (The Gulf Stream Mission), do you know where 
the report might be found? I saw the LOX storage tanks used on board and they 
weren't too big about 3 feet high and 2 feet dia. I don't know how many they 
had on board.


Ken Martindale