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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] New Machinery

At 13:18 -0500 6/24/00, D. Blake wrote:
>The day before yesterday I was standing outside the front of the clinic
>where I work enjoying a smoke when up pulls a UPS van.  The guy starts
>unloading all these big boxes.....

Funny you mention that. Because our computer would have been here a full week sooner, but Federal Ex press dropped it off at the wrong place, the shipping and receiving department of a school district about 60 miles from here, and it was signed for and checked in and placed on a shelf. It took quite a bit of doing to convince them to get it back and bring it down here. The guy at the warehouse apparently swore up and down that he only had the ones he was supposed to have -- but really was too lazy to check I guess. Because when they actually got him on the phone and had him go through the boxes one by one it was cleared up right away...

In the process of all this, the guy at the Apple Store mentioned pretty seriously that the way he figures it, every UPS and FedEx driver must have his own PowerBook by now.

Osage MN USA
buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner