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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] New Machinery

Hey Dave:
The day before yesterday I was standing outside the front of the clinic
where I work enjoying a smoke when up pulls a UPS van.  The guy starts
unloading all these big boxes.  All of a sudden I get this page that say's,
"Big Dave, come to the reception area please, Big Dave come to the reception
Turns out the Director wanted me to help take all these boxes down to the
basement where the tech guy normally works.  I called the tech guy and he
said he only ordered 20 systems.  The UPS guy unloaded 50 boxes each
containing 17" Viewsonic monitor, Mid Tower w/Pentium III 500mhz and HP CD
burner.  Later on the tech guy showed up and said that these systems were
intended to replace a bunch of Pentium 133 systems that were in satelite
clinics in the surrounding Counties.  Before he showed-up I had the
momentary thought of stashing a box just outside the backdoor, but my
conscious got the best of me.  Still, I can't help thinking about the
British SOS saying, "He who dares wins".  And also the incredible adrenalin
rush that accompanies danger!
Oh well, I guess it is true you should never bite the hand that feeds you.
Not only that, but I'am far from the impulsive risk-taker I once was in my
youth.  Although make no mistake, I would surely go down in a sub without
hesitation to explore the deep.  That my friend you can count on!

Big Dave

-----Original Message-----
From: David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Saturday, June 24, 2000 11:11 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] New Machinery

>Okay, everybody congratulate me. We've finally gotten a new computer --
much later than expected, but at last. It's a brand-spankin'-new G3
PowerBook. It's nuts, after spending so long stretching out the usability of
8-plus-year-old hardware, to have all this slick newness. Golly! (we've been
using a black-and-white PowerBook 170 for most everything for about five
years... figure we're entitled to an expensive upgrade by now?)
>Anyway, we got a cute little USB scanner too, so soon I'll be able to get
around to the various things I've mentioned I would scan and upload, and I
can actually manipulate graphics without juggling and tweaking, and so on.
Stand by.
>Osage MN USA
>buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner