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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hydrogen Peroxide

Hi Stephen, 

Hydrogen Peroxide is a very agressive and powerful material. 
With 5-10% peroxide and 90-95 percent water you get your hairs bright
And if the rocket-driven fighter aircrafts Me 163 from WWII has a 
failture during start and the full peroxide tank get a crack and the
stuff get in contact with the pilot - than the normaly found the pilot
in the bottom area of the plane as more or less a lake of biologic waste

They use special tanks with ceramic inside.. ceramic covered pipes,
ceramic covered vales..

My Grandfather has to do something with this material during the war -
he told me some storys about exploding jets, submarines, fuel store
houses etc. 

The British use it after the war in Meteorite and Excalibur (both sub) 
and the Nickname of Excalibur in the Royal Navy was Exploderer. 
Also the US-Navy has experience with peroxide in X 1 - its exploded

A pressure tank with O2 seems easier. 


SJSVOB@aol.com schrieb:
> I've been reading about Hydrogen Peroxide rocket engines.  Hydrogen Peroxide is H2O2.  An H2O2 monopropellent rocket simply passes the H2O2 over a catalyst, i.e. silver plated mesh screen, which causes the fuel to decompose into H2O and O2.  The rocket backpack uses this principle.  Other rocket engines using H2O2 may have the fuel react with gasoline.
> Ok my question is, does anyone know of anyone using H2O2 for life support?  You could have a tank of H2O2 and use it to slowly release O2 into the cabin as needed.  No high pressure tank required.
> Stephen Svoboda