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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Old military subs (was: U 26 for sale)

"D. Blake" schrieb:
> Mike:
> I got on there just a few hours after Carsten posted the link this morning.
> I went to archive then uboot.  There were several pictures of U-28 in
> various stages of surfacing and diving.  I found no line drawings though.

Here is a hompage in english with a drawing for you.. 
http://www.come.to/clex -than The German Navy, than Submarines,
Look at the drawing of U 13. 

> >>Oh well, maybe the North Koreans will ground one
> >>of  their units on a sandbar somewhere, and one of us will find it. We
> >>need to make a pact. If anyone on here finds a sub grounded on a rock or
> >>asandbar or whatever, he immediately gets the word out to the rest of us.
> >

Maybe we can steal it from their harbours - if we use our small subs..
or use their uniforms and good nerves.. or for the americans - shoot
them down.

> >
> >Ever read the book "Assault on a Queen"?
> >
> >Come to think of it, "Assault on a Queen" was the book that got me
> >interested in ex-military subs.   It's a fairly good book, technically
> >speaking, but mostly by avoiding details.    Teh detail that stuck
> >in my mind was that the WW1 batteries were replaced by about
> >a zillion 12-vold car batteries.

I have seen the film.. complety bullsh.., many fiction no sience -
maybe the book is better.., in the film they raised the sub in the way
that a diver goes in - close the hatch and open his pressure bottle
to blow the water outside..

> >
> >>Ok, so I'm crazy. I get that way when I get disappointed.
> >>I still think we can get a small intact military sub somehow.
> >
> >I understand crazy, at things like this.   I'm sure the Russians
> >would be willing to work out a deal.

They are not.. There was a small gap for deals some years ago - but is
I contacted them - all what they want is = First send me money (a lot),
than we will see..

> >
> >>Hey Carsten, thanks for looking into this. I also saw your picture on
> >>the  U09 or U10. You have a lot of pictures on that site. I didn't
> >>realize you had visited so many subs.

About 100 - pictured and countered - I have here the uncomplete
for a book "Museums-submarines of the world, including midget" with
over 140 of it. Work on this several years. But stop working because of 
the internet - You get the same information here in shorter times and 
more up to date... see pages like www.webtagon/submarines

> >
> >I went to the site, Carsten.   But I never found more than one picture.
> >Where should I have gone at the site?   My German is . . . not even
> >tourist level.    Thanks.

?? Look at words like ..Schiffe.. or ..U-Boote.. or ..Bilder.. or


> >
> >Mike