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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...View Ports...Shatterproof

No problem Greg!  That all occurred some time ago.  Fortunantly I'm in a
much safer environment now.  My guns are in the closet collecting dust.  In
fact, I live in the very center of the City, and can see the law-enforcement
complex and Courthouse from my living room window to the far left (next
block over).
Across the street on my block in direct view from my loft are two taverns.
To the left is "Shooters" a redneck/hillbilly bar where all the good ol'
boys flock to on the weekends for a little country karaoke, shoot pool, and
fight.  To the right is "Suds Down" a rapper and  soul brothers bar where
you are sure to find plenty of crack, crank, and lots of young girls hanging
around for some crack, crank.  Needless to say, every so often a feud
transpires between the two, and directly in front of my building.  It
usually turns into a minor riot with lots of action and usually involves at
least ten cruisers and a few ambulances.  Shop owners on street level end up
having to replace the plate glass windows.  I'm high above street level
(loft) taking it all in with my 7x50s, oh' what fun.  Beats the hell out of
WWF wrestling, and COPS put together.
I'm smart enough to stay out of the fray though.  Besides, most of my
clients are court-ordered for treatment and so I have to remain on my best
behavior.  You know, role-model and all.  Every once in a while I will see
one of my clients up to no good and come Monday morning they are in for
another kind of confrontation.
Big Dave
-----Original Message-----
From: Gregory Snyder <snyde032@tc.umn.edu>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Monday, March 13, 2000 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...View Ports...Shatterproof

>Big Dave
>Remind me never, NEVER to piss you off...
>(Patron member of the NRA)