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Re: GUNS was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...View Ports...Shatterproof

Hi Carsten,

You really hit a hot button. Expect a lot of flame.

I am an avid gun owner. Guns are my number one hobby. 

> Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 20:25:54 +0100
> From: MerlinSub@t-online.de (Carsten Standfuß)
> X-Accept-Language: de
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: GUNS was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...View 
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> X-Sender: 320000596261-0001@t-dialin.net
> Some Statistic: 
> 32436 Americans died in 1997 by guns. 
> In the Korea-war 33651 americans died. 
> In 1996 in Newzealand 2 people were killed with guns,
> in Japan 15,  in Great Britain 30 in
> Germany 213 (what a shame..) but in America 9390 ..

How about cars? Hospitals? Ladders? These things hurt, kill, and maime
more people each year then guns. Guns are currently the boogy men of
our media and government. Much like the USSR was in the 80's. The Civil
Rights in the 60's and 70's. Nuclear war in the 50's. The hype from our
media and President are way out of proportion for the problem. Why do
you here about a shooting that occurs way across the country when the
stabbing next door doesn't even get mention in the local paper. Well
could be that any and all gun events need reporting for "some" reason.

> In 1996 also 1134 americans died by there own guns
> during accident, many of them childrens. 

Accidental guns deaths have been declining since the 1930's. There would be
even fewer accidents if safe gun advoidance, like the NRA Eddie Eagle,
program (Stop, Don't Touch, Leave the Area, Tell an Adult) was taught in
schools. However our Government, School System, and HCI is so anti-gun that
they would rather not teach the kids anything useful. They teach guns are evil
so when a kid finds one all they have to go on is what they see in the movies.

> If I found in my house during nighttime a thief -
> I will go in bed and phone the insurance company
> next day. 

Ok. But what if you were a female. Is robbing the only thing on this thief's
mind? Wouldn't your jewelry be stored in a jewelry box in the bedroom? 

> The thief knowes that normaly nobody
> in germany has a gun - so he normaly has also no
> gun. Nobody shoot somebody. If you hold a gun
> without a licence for each, without a gunpowder paper, 
> without a tresor, and good reasons for the licence 
> you get in jail. 

If you get caught with a gun that usually adds years to your jail time here.
At least in theory. Our Government usually plea bargins away the extra jail
time for an easy conviction. Then once in prison you usually get out before
serving you whole term to make way for the people convicted because of the
"war on drugs".

> And automatic or machinery guns totaly break 
> the anti-war-rules. If they catch you the put you 
> in jail and destroy the key..

Full automatic weapons are illegal in many states. In California only military,
law enforcement and Hollywood is allowed to have fully automatic weapons.
Normal, lawabiding citizens are denied.

In the states that do allow for such ownership there are servere requirement
and restrictions on ownership of fully automatic weapons. Why? The only cases
where fully automatic weapons were used in the commision of a crime since
the 1934 guns acts was by a policeman and two bank robbers.

> And if you a tourist in USA and your car is stopped by a 
> police car during routine inspection and you did not no the
> rules - the shoot you down during the moment you put your
> hands into your jacket to grap your driverlicence..

Same for citizens. In fact police can just claim that they thought your
wallet was a gun and get a way with killing you.

> mmmhh.. nice country...

Come visit. I'll take out to a range you will see first hand what a gun
is. Not the fake tripe you see in the movies or on TV. You will see it for
real. You will be very impressed with how careful and friendly
guns owners are. I have a few rules:

	1. Treat every gun as if it is loaded.
	2. Never point at anything you don't want to destroy.
	3. Always look to see if it is loaded and still obey rules 1 and 2.

> Sorry no way to test the domes on that way here !-)

There is. Take a 7mm steel rod and shape the end into a cone. Get a large
sledge hammer. Pound the rod into the dome. Use a bigger hammer for more

Wsny something more scientific and repeatable. Create something like a
guiloteen. Except replace the blade with some kind of pointy rod and weight.
Lay the dome below and drop the weighted point onto it. The height of the drop
will determine the force of impact.

Then subject the dome to pressure equivelant to depth and see what happens.


> Carsten. 
> "D. Blake" schrieb:
> > 
> >  Length of barrell?  Grains of powder?  Weight and type of bullet ie. FMJ,
> > softpoint, hollowpoint, wadcutter?
> > I've shot .38s from an airweight into a 55-gallon burn barrel at 25 or so
> > feet, and they failed to penetrate.  There was even a pronounced audible lag
> > in time between the sound of the round going off and the impact of the
> > bullet.  9mm have a little more velocity, but thats about it.  Put it to a
> > real test!  I suggest you use my Rem. model 700 in .375 H&H.  You can even
> > back off a couple of football fields.  One shot, one kill.
> > Big Dave
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Paul Suds <paul_suds@hotmail.com>
> > To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> > Date: Thursday, March 09, 2000 9:09 PM
> > Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...View Ports...Shatterproof
> > 
> > > How does this sound, I can take my canopy, properly framed,
> > >and shoot an aerage .38 caliber or 9mm NATO round from 25 feet at it. After
> > >one round no hole, after two rounds no hole, maybe after three rounds in
> > the
> > >same location, I may have some penetration. ..
> > >Suds
> > >______________________________________________________
> > >Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
> > >