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RE: GUNS was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...View Ports...Shatterproof

On Sat, 11 Mar 2000, Wade Carson wrote:

> And whether you use them for hunting or target
> practice, or whether it's a handgun or a rifle, the bottom line is pretty
> much all guns are designed for the purpose of killing.
A gun is simply a tool, nothing more, nothing less.  It should be given
the respect anything dangerous tool deserves.  If you have a farm, having
firearm of some sort is an inherent necessity of farm life.  Predators
threaten one's livestock, sometimes an animal needs to be butchered(with
larger animals, guns are more humane than chopping their head off with an
axe - less chance of missing and having to do it in two blows), etc.
Those of us that _DO_ live on a farm need firearms, and quite often treat
them responsibly.  It's just the city people that are total wackos. 

Interestingly, in Greenland(IIRC), the only reg governing firearms is that
they must be cared with the action open at all times.  I'd be willing to
wager that greenland has fewer firearm deaths even than England.

Paul Anderson