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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...

OK.  The obvious questions are:

Is this a 1 ata vehicle?
How many persons on board?
What is the bottom depth?
What is the vehicles crush depth?
Is there surface support?
Is there means of communication with above?
How quickly does the vehicle take on water?
Is there a retained air space, or is the flood total?
If there is retained air, how long is it breathable (ie. PPO2 < 1.6
How is the buoyancy of the vehicle affected by the flood (descent
Will the vehicle assume a new attitude in the water?
What is the water temperature?
How long does it take to open a hatch and get out?
How bulky can a bailout gas system be, and still permit egress?
Is there a drop weight or active ballast system that can be activated
to reverse or slow the descent?
If such a device exists, what are its limitations (vehicle attitude,
time to implement, damage, etc.)?
Some sort of ascent aid is required.  What is target ascent rate?

Set some parameters for the discussion.


On Tue, 7 Mar 2000 18:24:02 -0500, Vikking wrote:

>Sean, how about if we run some simulations,here on the forum to resume all
>the good ideas about safety.
>lets say a psubs of an average size, that we can all agree, average internal
>volume etc.
>lets say it suffers a midwater collision whith a submerge structure at 30
>we can start whith a list of specifications so every member of psubs can
>collaborate on his field of expertise
>any takers?
>Gabriel Feldman