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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB accident simulation.

type: 1ata psub
crew: two
bottom deep; 50 meters, (because of the limit using compress air with scuba)
then we can change this variable to allowd for  a different mix
crush depth:200 meters
surface support: yes zodiac whith 25 hp, one stand by diver one partially
dress, two scuba tanks air, vhf radio, decompression facilitie 2 hours away
communication psub-topside , only underwater beacon
vessel collides whith submerge object, front hit, speed 6 knots,
damage suffered hole 6 inches x10 inches viewport
how quickly the vehicle takes on water:?   Q=3600(A)(VD) where Q=flow rate
of water per minute  A= area of hole in sq ft ,  D=depth of water above hole
in ft
1st case flood is total.
descent rate:  ?
the vessel descent stern first at an angle of 25 degrees
water temperature at 30 meters: 55 F
how long thas it take to open a hatch and get out?  not open till the vessel
has floded
one person injured one person ok.
one scuba gear whith octopus rig, fins are lost, 10 liters aluminum tank ,
whith air
there is a drop wheight : how many pounds
time to implement 60 seconds
emergency lifting bag attached to a air botle 10 liters x250bar, riding on
top  atach to main frame,
target ascent rate; need total wheight


----- Original Message -----
From: Sean T. Stevenson <ststev@uniserve.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>; Vikking <vikking@mindspring.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...

> OK.  The obvious questions are:
> Is this a 1 ata vehicle?
> How many persons on board?
> What is the bottom depth?
> What is the vehicles crush depth?
> Is there surface support?
> Is there means of communication with above?
> How quickly does the vehicle take on water?
> Is there a retained air space, or is the flood total?
> If there is retained air, how long is it breathable (ie. PPO2 < 1.6
> ata)?
> How is the buoyancy of the vehicle affected by the flood (descent
> rate)?
> Will the vehicle assume a new attitude in the water?
> What is the water temperature?
> How long does it take to open a hatch and get out?
> How bulky can a bailout gas system be, and still permit egress?
> Is there a drop weight or active ballast system that can be activated
> to reverse or slow the descent?
> If such a device exists, what are its limitations (vehicle attitude,
> time to implement, damage, etc.)?
> Some sort of ascent aid is required.  What is target ascent rate?
> Set some parameters for the discussion.
> -Sean
> On Tue, 7 Mar 2000 18:24:02 -0500, Vikking wrote:
> >Sean, how about if we run some simulations,here on the forum to resume
> >the good ideas about safety.
> >
> >lets say a psubs of an average size, that we can all agree, average
> >volume etc.
> >
> >lets say it suffers a midwater collision whith a submerge structure at 30
> >meters.
> >we can start whith a list of specifications so every member of psubs can
> >collaborate on his field of expertise
> >
> >any takers?
> >
> >Gabriel Feldman