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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Over Niagara Falls in a sub?

----- Original Message -----
From: <DSmith4038@aol.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 12:24 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Over Niagara Falls in a sub?

>                        How would you go about calculating the hull stress
> a trip over Niagara falls?  It is only about a 150 foot drop. Always
> to go over the falls in a barrel but when you get caught these days it is
> straight to jail. No Thanks. Also it has been done way too many times
> already.  Now, if one were to over the falls in a submersed sub, who would
> know?  My wife says it would not stay submerged when it hit the bottom but
> would bounce around a bit. Personaly I doubt that. I think that it would
> gloriously sink like a rock as per plan. The water is white in color going
> over the falls so naturally I will paint the sub white for camafloge
> One concern I have is the whirlpool a ways down the river from the falls.
> can spin you around for hours before it spits you out. This part really
> concerns me. Maybe the sub could use some extra powerfull thrusters to
> this problem. Well I got to go, my pharmacist called and said that was a
> mixup in my medication.  Always something isn't there?
> Regards "Doug the Daredevil"

I like your style, Doug. You don't take yourself too seriously, and that's a
healthy attitude, even if your plan is chock full o' nuts.  ;-)

However, If you ever do this, I want to film it.  RESCUE 911 will probably
give me a couple bucks for the tape.  LOL!

I wouldn't paint it white, though: good camouflage in the foam only; what
about before and after?  I'd paint it dark brown and green; attach some tree
bark and limbs; make it look like a log.  Best way to beat the Park Rangers.

BTW: can I take out an insurance policy on you?

Hang in there, you wild and crazy guy!

Very best regards,

Pat Regan