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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Over Niagara Falls in a sub?

Doug, I hope the drug isn't lithium for psychotics, and I hope you're not 
schizophrenic. Either way, you're crazy (ha). A few observations. Since you 
are not bouyant, you smash right into the rocks without any shock absorption 
aforded my the water. Because you are not bouyant, the force of the water 
from the water falling does not allow you to surface or move out of the area 
directly under the falls. Finally, if you do make it down stream and are 
well camoflaged so that no one sees you, no one will believe you. They would 
think that you beat up your own sub, bloodied yourself or worse, put your 
sub in upstream, and fabricated the whole idea. OK, so you have a great 
idea. I will pay good money to watch, and I'll even take pictures to prove 
that you actually did this. Also, is your wife a nice looking woman, maybe 
she could get married again, ha.  Alright, so I'm having fun at your 
expense. Please forgive me, I'm having a good day...Suds
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