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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Over Niagara Falls in a sub?

                       How would you go about calculating the hull stress on 
a trip over Niagara falls?  It is only about a 150 foot drop. Always wanted 
to go over the falls in a barrel but when you get caught these days it is 
straight to jail. No Thanks. Also it has been done way too many times 
already.  Now, if one were to over the falls in a submersed sub, who would 
know?  My wife says it would not stay submerged when it hit the bottom but 
would bounce around a bit. Personaly I doubt that. I think that it would 
gloriously sink like a rock as per plan. The water is white in color going 
over the falls so naturally I will paint the sub white for camafloge reasons. 
One concern I have is the whirlpool a ways down the river from the falls. It 
can spin you around for hours before it spits you out. This part really 
concerns me. Maybe the sub could use some extra powerfull thrusters to manage 
this problem. Well I got to go, my pharmacist called and said that was a 
mixup in my medication.  Always something isn't there? 
Regards "Doug the Daredevil"