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At 0412 -0600 02/18/0, Captain Nemo wrote:
>And there's more to a sub than just the hull; for instance, there
>are non-obvious things about the way ballast systems work that can cost you
>the remainder of your alotted birthdays if you aren't aware of them.

For the sake of conversation: what non-obvious things are you thinking about here? I thought about it a bit, but the only thing I could come up with is the reduction in volume of air in a partly-flooded tank, just like in an open-on-the-bottom ambient hull. Sloshing? What?

...Oh, now I've read the rest of the new mail, and perhaps you're referring to that stuff about the ambient-pressure thing which you couldn't get to level off because the separate chambers weren't valved. In that case, let me ask you another question I've been curious about: Where did the pressure vessel for your Nautilus come from? I thought I remembered reading a while back that it was some kind of surplus something, but I don't remember if it said what.

Osage MN USA
buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner