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[PSUBS-MAILIST] james Bond

Original Message -----
> From: "Michael B Holt" <michaelbholt@juno.com>
> " I've spent a lot of time considering the speed-of-launch side of a psub
> design."
> In that case, how about something like that sub-car James Bond has?

About two years ago that Car/Sub was actually for sale at an auction in
california (?).  It was a wet sub, and the occupants had to wear scuba gear.
I remember the price at $21,000.  I thought it would be kind of neat,
history and all, but not really what I wanted in a sub.  Ablout that time I
stumbled onto the Sportsub stuff ( see links or www.IVCorp.com  )and thought
they would be much cooler.  I even got hte video which is fun and represents
the sub well.  Some day I will approach those guys for help in designing my
own wet sub, where the passengers are prone and DRY.  I've drawn out the
plans, but am attracted to their automated air control system.  It's good to