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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Propane Tanks

I think it's worth saying twice that the reason so many of us automatically gravitate toward propane tanks right off the bat -- is that they already *look* like zubmarinez (do I still have to misspell that?). 

I think maybe here's a sort of simplistic thought-process that suggests you're much closer to being done -- if you already have something recognizably zublike you can look at and climb inside of. Many of us also have a packrat-scrounger-recycler-cheapskate mindset which makes us reluctant to spend more than $50 on anything if it looks like you could drag it home for free or cheap. It's always been easier for me to imagine scamming relatively complete components -- something somebody else already made -- for anything I build, and simply figuring out how to plug them together in novel ways, than to start from scratch fabricating. 

>From what I've read here, though, the advantage to the pre-built hull isn't all that great, and one might be better off looking for sweet deals on ready-made plug-and-play thrusters, controllers, seats or the like instead.

Short version: getting something *shaped like* a submarine isn't necessarily the tough part. So perhaps it's not that great a boon to find something which already has that form.

Osage MN USA
buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner