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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Calculation request

Carsten - from Germany

Hi Alex, 

I used this spreadsheet today and found maybe a mistake - or I made a

If I print in for "lenght between bulkheads" a zero and I get in the 
calculations print out = division error by O. So I print in at "lenght
bulkheads" a lenght longer than the sub, and longer and longer..
The collapse deeps get lower and lower. Seems there is no way to
the hull of the "monster" with this programm because their are no heavy
in fact they are lighter than the frames. 
(it must be a deep their were the frames only hold the shell..)
What should I print in for a submarine without bulkheads? It seems
I can use the endcaps distance for the "lenght between bulkheads" but
endcaps are also smaller in thickness than the frames. 

Regards, Carsten

Alec Smyth schrieb:
> I made a spreadsheet which is downloadable from the PSUBS site in the
> section "Design Guidelines and Tools". However, please take the results with
> a high degree of scepticism (note warning on the page). As you can see from
> the discrepancies we are encountering, the spreadsheet may or may not be
> correct. The spreadsheet is strictly for reinforced cylinders with
> hemispherical end caps, although the endcaps are assumed stronger than the
> cylinder (which of course is not necessarily true, but should be if the
> shell thicknesses are the same).
> Alec Smyth