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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Vortex Propulsion

Someone (Nemo) asked about the AL2O3 Vortex Combustor. I haven't been 
keeping it a secret, but i have been corresponding with some proffessors at 
PSU about it. How about a mini-sub capable of speeds of 60 knots. Ahhh... 
only in extra clear water. It has 3 times the energy density of the Mark 50 
torpedoes and 10 times that of the Mark 48 Torpedoes density I've gotten a 
summary report from them on it and will send it to those interested. It will 
take three files to e-mail. Here's a summary of the summary:

The vortex combustor is an emerging technology for the direct reaction of 
aluminum metal or alloys with water for air-independent water-breathing 
power generation.  The Office of Naval Research has initiated the 
development of the basic combustor technology for an underwater ramjet for 
very high speed torpedoes.  Since a vortex combustor can operate on either 
water or air, the technology can also be used for a cruise missile that 
operates initially under water but then emerges and operates as a normal 
air-breathing cruise missile on the same aluminum fuel.  In the past, 
aluminum has not been used as a fuel because of associated combustion 
difficulties.  The solid product (Al2O3) of this reaction tends to 
tenaciously coat unreacted aluminum fuel, thus inhibiting its reaction.  
Power systems based on the aluminum-water reaction have very high energy 
density and specific impulse because the reaction is very energetic and only 
the aluminum is carried onboard.
What do you guys think??? Should we build one???? Hmmmm...
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