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Re: Question for Pat- "SKIPJACK" exhaust: reply...

Pat, Nice to have you on board. I too have been working on a jet propulsion 
system for my sub. Right now I'm in the process of building a Variable 
Pressure Cavitation Tunnel for testing my design. It's taking me a lot 
longer than I expected. I plan on using Twin 15 HP electric motors for 
propulsion. Currently, there is no need for suction as you mentioned. If 
suction is needed on a surface unit, the low pressure intake could be used. 
As far as your treatise on the vortex effect of a non-laminar rear end, I 
think you're half right. In all the examples that you site, a low pressure 
area is formed behind the velocity vector. This lower pressure area aids in 
preventing backpressure created from the water density. How well it works, 
or whether it is a novel approach being tested is a good question. Your 
recirc system sounds interesting, but I would prefer a 1 hr underwater stay 
time. If you really want to get advanced, look at aluminum powder and salt 
water. Anyway, good luck with your design.

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