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Re: question....

In a message dated 12/9/99 11:26:57 AM, dblake@bright.net writes:

<< Vance:

Sounds like you may be going to arrange those ports like the Nekton.  If so,

do you also plan to use the same method of protection for them ie, those

half moon shaped shields you see surrounding the front half of the

portholes?  Are you going with the same hull thickness?

One other thing I have been meaning to ask.  How detailed are the K350

plans?  I guess what I mean is, how many sheets are included and how big?

Also, how many pages of documentation?


Big Dave >>

There isn't much documentation, per se--no HOW TO section--just the plans 
(about 50 sheets mostly 16 X 24--there is a plan sheet for every piece of the 

The new hull section will be the same thickness as the rest of the submarine 
is still being used and rated at 350 feet so there's no point in going 
thicker. The Nekton uses the shields because its viewports bolt onto flat 
reinforcments and are not recessed in any way. They need the protection to 
keep from whacking the port edge itself during surface operations. They haul 
the sub out of the water and lay it against the side of their ship against a 
mat of old tires. Not sexy but it works.
