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RE: Calculation request


I ran your numbers, and got a predicted failure depth of 390 feet. However,
I had to make big assumptions for lack of more complete data. For example, I
assumed the material properties and I assumed the rings to be "bulkheads" --
that is, very heavily over-dimensioned. The distance between stiffeners
seems unusually large as it is almost equal to the hull diameter, and I
would say this accounts for the poor depth rating.

Alec Smyth

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
[mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org]On Behalf Of Carsten
Sent: Monday, November 29, 1999 4:41 PM
To: Personal_Submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Calculation request

Carsten - from Germany

Hi friends, some of you use calculation
progammes for pressure hulls.
I use tables which are older.
May some of you can cross check
the dive deep ?

I can buy an older bigger Psub with the
following dimension: (1 inch = 24,5mm)

Diameter outside = 2400 mm (98 inch)
thickness hull   =   15 mm (0,61 inch)
frame distants	 = 2450 mm (100 inch)
Steel : normal working steel, mild steel

any cross check welcome, regards Carsten.