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Re: robotic arms


The fall 99 issue of Underwater Magazine put out by the Association of
Diving Contractors International has several ads for all ranges of robotic
arms. The ADC has a web page at http://www.adc-usa.org/

A bonus in this issue is a short article with photos featuring a couple of
our psubbers, Gary and Jon.


Mike Clement

At 10:51 PM 11/10/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Greetings everyone
>	I am on the lookout for a hydraulic manipulator with 6 axis of freedom
>that will work at depths of greater then 200 meters. New would be good but
>if it happens to be on a used sumbersible then I guess I could find a use for
>the rest of the sumbersible as well. :-)
>Thanks in advance