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Radioactive material

Whoever wanted the fissionable material, you're out of luck. You can't get 
it without a license from the NRC, and it really doesn't belong to you once 
you receive it. You and I are not likely to get a license from the NRC. If 
you want radioactive material, that's a different story. Propane lantern 
mantels contain radioactive thorium, as do TIG welding rods. Either one can 
be detected with a GM meter. No-Salt, which is potassium chloride, contains 
enough K-40, which is naturally radioactive to be detected as well. Finally, 
smoke detectors contain small amounts of Americium, which is also 
radioactive. I think I've got some non-licensable sources of cobalt 60 and 
Cs-137 if you really need them. As far as the NSA, you're probably right. 
I'm not normally paranoid, but these guys are ....Hmmm....Motivated??? Did 
you hear that??? I think someone just tapped my telephone line. Who's that 
at the window. Sorry, gotta go, my wife said there's some guys at the front 
door with dark suits and sunglasses, who keep talking into their lapels. Uh 

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