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Re: Re: scrubbers

room temp o2 sensors have a finite lifespan.  So if I have 3 of them, if one seems to have a readout that's signifigantly different from the rest the software will take it out of the system and turn on a light indicating that it's time for replacement.

As for the o2 addition to the cabin, it will be via a electronically controled solinoid.  And there will be a emergency shutoff solinoid and 1/4 turn valve.  ALL within easy reach. 

passing air through the scrubber will be done by a stack of 2 fans (for incresed pressure differential) and it will try to pull air through the reactant bed.  Air will be taken in at one end of the boat and it will be put out at the other end of the boat.  at least this is how I hope it will function.....  I'm still haveing problems working out the actual size, and how I'm going to keep the inside of the boat at a reasonable temprature, and avoiding condensation on the inside of the hull....  (rust sucks)

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On 10/28/99, at 9:51 AM, SJSVOB@aol.com wrote: 

><<I'll have a webpage up with what I have so far in a week or 2 :)  I want 
>You mention you will be using O2 sensors.  What type of O2 sensors?  Are you 
>using multiple sensors simultaneously?  What happens if an O2 sensor stops 
>functioning?  Do the sensors have a way of voting and/or notifying you when 
>they stop functioning?  How is the oxygen released into the cabin?  Are you 
>using a solenoid valve or a manually operated valve?  Do you have a failsafe 
>in case the valve fails in the on position?  How are you passing the air 
>through the scrubber system? 