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Re: Tour of the Boat

Hi Chris and all,

Good to get some background on all you guys. I've been an observer mostly .

At present I own and live (for 7 years) on  a steel 60ft yacht and am in the
process of finishing her and trying to sell her. I'm 41, live in Auckland
New Zealand and am a supervisor/engineering installation and yacht
construction worker. Today I went and saw the America's Cup challengers come
in from racing, those Italians are looking tough.

My main interest is to build an autonomous sub but may end up building
something smaller. The waters are reasonably clear here  in NZ but to get to
good dive sites requires some surface travel first sometimes.

Regards, Karl.
----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Nugent <dirkpitt77@yahoo.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: 22 October 1999 02:14
Subject: Tour of the Boat

>       Hey all,
>      I don't know if anybody's heard my squeaking in
> the past few months, but being pretty new to the Psubs
> group, I was wondering if we could do a little
> informal introductions around the house.  You all seem
> to be a little older n more experienced than myself,
> and was wondering what kind of people get crazy n
> wanna build subs (besides MYSELF!)
>       Anyways, for MY part, I'm 27, going after a
> degree in Automotive Mechanics, work at a dealership,
> and live in Greeley, CO (what the hell am I thinking,
> trying this in a landlocked state?  LOL)  So I was
> just curious.....
>                               Thanks,
>                                Chris Nugent
> =====
> "Noisy outside, empty inside." - Confucius
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