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Re: Tour of the Boat

I am relatively new to the whole Psubs but I found the challenge of designing and building  a submarine to be an interesting challenge and a way to combine my BS in Plastics Engineering with my childhood love of oceanography. If you thought you were land locked try KS, everything of any significant depth around here has a mud bottom which is always churning. It's also a project I can play with while I get my Masters in Engineering Technology. I have so much to learn and the time to do it in as long as my wife doesn't destroy the research in a jealous fit.
I am 23 and married for 4 months. I probably won't ask many questions until I can at least ask some intellegint ones. (I am just glad I found this group, I have searched for info the hard way and making very little ground, the archive files have helped a great deal).
Chris Crouch
"Mechanics is the paradise of the mathematical sciences, because by means of it one comes to the fruits of mathematics."
Leonardo da Vinci,Notebooks, v. 1, ch. 20.