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Re: Tour of the Boat

At 2114 -0500 10/21/99, Chris Nugent wrote:
>group, I was wondering if we could do a little
>informal introductions around the house.  You all seem
>to be a little older n more experienced than myself,
>and was wondering what kind of people get crazy n
>wanna build subs (besides MYSELF!)  

Lots of them sound older from reading their posts than they turn out to be in real life. I think it's because they're so stinkin' wise! Myself, I'm 30 and I just built an odd little earth-sheltered house with solar power out in the woods of Minnesota. So that's what I've been doing. I have a yard full of free boats and various Heavy Things I dragged home thinking of subs, and I'm another one of those nuts who for some reason has been dreaming of this as long as I can remember. I think it's some kind of genetic anomaly, because as excited as I get at the prospect, that's exactly how much nobody else around me has any interest whatsoever. They're mystified at why I'd want to go to all that trouble to drive around underwater. It just sounds "cool" to me and I'm not sure why -- but it has something to do with spaceships.

I desperately need a welder. I'm tired of finding ways to make everything with salvaged lumber and drywall screws.


--"...That's how freedom will end: not with a bang, but with a rustle of file folders. If
--you love any of your rights, defend all of them."

Osage MN USA