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Re: Tour of the Boat

In reply to Chris's question, I am not one of the
people that talk much just yet on this site, but I too
(obviously) am interested in submarines.  Currently I
am building a radio controlled submarine, but it is my
own design and is going to be 12 feet long.  I am
going to be building a scale Russian Akula class
manned sub in about 5 years or so after I find all the
details for it, and engineer the thing.  The reason I
am waiting for such a long time is because I want to
be out of college when I start building this.  

So, on to that stuff.  I am a 19 year old sophomore
this year, and I am going to Michigan Technological
University and am majoring in Mechanical Engineering. 
Normally however, I am from Rhinelander, WI.  

I also have a website on the net, and if any of you
are interested in going there, then please do so.  It


I have some pictures of my sub on there, but some of
them are rather old and outdated.  

At any rate, I just thought I would say my "hi" to the
group as well.

Best Always,

Tim Stolar

P.S.  Chris, you aren't the only one who is crazy. 
LOL, I am told that I am crazy every time I mention my
sub.  :)
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