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Re: Tour of the Boat

Hello Chris:
Big Dave here.  Any relation to Ted, the Motor City Madman?
Yeah, I know what you mean by being new to the subject, and landlocked.
Although I do have some pretty heffty Rivers, Lakes, and Quarries to
investigate if I ever become fortunate enough to build my own Psub.  Anyway,
I'm 42 with a degree in Social Work and post-grad work in
Sociology/Criminology and the study of Deviance.  Now thats about as far as
you are gonna get from someone who should be interested in mechanical
engineering, agreed?  Still, the first half of my adult life was spent as a
blue-collar steelworker.  This arena allows me an escape from the asthetic
and less predictable.
Psubs involve the predictable (to a certain extent) based on mathematics and
tested theory.  Yes there are many variables to take into account, and you
will probably gain more advice rather than instruction, but it is a hell of
a lot better than trying to figure out why someone is trying to set your
hair on fire with their BIC lighter, or has a wierd habit of colecting sharp
objects to disfigure themselves because they just cannot seem to forget the
fact that Uncle Pervy molested them when they were 10 years old.
Yeah, I love the thought of escaping to the silent deep witnessing the
incredible beauty that is ordinarily hidden from mortal eyes.
Good Luck,
Big Dave
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Nugent <dirkpitt77@yahoo.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Thursday, October 21, 1999 10:26 PM
Subject: Tour of the Boat

>      Hey all,
>     I don't know if anybody's heard my squeaking in
>the past few months, but being pretty new to the Psubs
>group, I was wondering if we could do a little
>informal introductions around the house.  You all seem
>to be a little older n more experienced than myself,
>and was wondering what kind of people get crazy n
>wanna build subs (besides MYSELF!)
>      Anyways, for MY part, I'm 27, going after a
>degree in Automotive Mechanics, work at a dealership,
>and live in Greeley, CO (what the hell am I thinking,
>trying this in a landlocked state?  LOL)  So I was
>just curious.....
>                              Thanks,
>                               Chris Nugent
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