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Re: The K-250 and the rest of Kittredge's plans

In a message dated 10/21/99 9:06:26 PM, CAHENESY@gapac.com writes:

<<  But anyway.. the three of us are still in the preliminary stages of

building our sub.  We are still trying to decide weather or not to build

from plans, or design our own.  The main purpose of this e-mail is to see if

anyone can give me more details about the Kittredge boats as his web site

seems to be in the process of being taken down.  Most of the pages appear to

be there still but there are no links off the main page to access them with.

I am most interested in the 2 Man K-350.


    Chris Henesy >>

welcome to the asylum--george kittredge will answer your questions as 
well--but ask away. I have a K350 and know a little about subs in general. 
I'll be glad to answer what I can. 