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Re: weary silence

Hey Dave:
Don't forget to add plenty of small garrish black wrought-iron flourishes
here and there for perhaps no other purpose than to add a Vincent Price type
horror feel to the thing.  Oh, and Old English style lettering in
Big Dave
-----Original Message-----
From: David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Thursday, October 14, 1999 12:31 AM
Subject: Re: weary silence

>Holy cow. The good news is, I now have ten yards of sand on my roof and a
giant mountain of firewood. The bad news is, I have no idea when I'm going
to get around to reading the more than 50 new P-Subs messages which have
crept in lately.
>Suffice it to say I am still interested, and just got out of the habit of
reading the mails that get filtered off to their own little mailboxes, and
will be getting back into it sometime soon. There's an old steel tank of
some kind behind a place in town I've been meaning to ask about -- one of
those things with rings of big rivets running around its circumference: very
Captain Nemoid. It's big enough for me to fit in, and I already have a
couple of matching skinnier tanks which would look spiffy stuck on either
side of it. It's got me thinking of some kind of showoff, Victorian-looking,
ambient-pressure contraption with round portholes and some way to shoot off
little jets of stream...
> David
>Osage MN USA