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Re: weary silence

> In a message dated 10/12/99 10:00:42 PM, dan.j.rice@sherwin.com writes:
> << Also, concerning escapes, are there buoyancy devices that can be inflated 
> to
> raise a sub in trouble without having to exit it 100 feet down?
> Dan
>  >>
> called main ballast tanks, mostly.
> Vance

I guess what was meant is more a kind of backup ballast system.
Something like big scuba-diving ascending parachutes...
Just for emergency.
I've never heard about that (built-in in a sub) but I thought to this
feature for providing massive buyoancy.
What for?
Well, say, in case problems with both mainballast, trim tank(s), and (all) 
engines. Not very likely to occure at once would you say? Probably true.
OK then: if you're tied in a fishing net, you could manage to lift the net 
with the sub... not sure hmmmm?
