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Re: periscopes

At 1931 -0500 09/18/99, Chris Nugent wrote:
>    I was curious about what the best way to go is as far as
>designing/building a nice simple periscope. ....A collision
>would really be a downer.


My favorite idea so far is the little TV camera on a swivel, with a 360 window on top of a mast that folds down. No moving parts going through the hull -- just wires. With a joystick connected to one of those spring-centered model airplane servos to look around. But you don't get the exciting "feel" of sliding the scope up and down like in the movies.

You'll all be relieved to know that Minnesota waters are now officially to dang cold to try out the Mountain Dew-flaored diving bell. I missed my window of opportunity to see if my window would pop out. Stupid house-building takes me away from the really important priorities.

Osage MN USA