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Re: periscopes

WELL, seeing the construction of today's boats, the sub would win.  windows included.  (I just spent the weekend on a 34' seeray :) )

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On 9/18/99, at 5:31 PM, Chris Nugent wrote: 

>Hey all,
>     I'm rather new to this and I apologize for any faux pas I may
>commit in the act of writing...but...
>    I was curious about what the best way to go is as far as
>designing/building a nice simple periscope.  Don't know much about what
>lens('s) to choose n etc.  Or is it relatively easy to see surface
>craft approaching when looking through viewports at depth?  A collision
>would really be a downer.  Any help you could offer would be great.
>                                 thanks,
>                                    Chris Nugent
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