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Design questions?

Well, I'm still in the conceptual design phase of my sub. I've gotten most 
preliminary constraints worked out with a few exceptions. Although not a 
constraint, I'm looking for a good source of batteries. I'm looking for a 
high power to weight ratio. Any advice or recommendations?? Also, I'm still 
trying to design my control surface actuator. I'll probably go with a low 
RPM motor and lead screw. Using compression cylinders includes an extra link 
in the design that seems redundant. I don't want to design something from 
scratch, but the actuators, solenoids, etc, that I've looked at don't seem 
to be of optimum design for our purposes. Finally, does anyone have 
experience with a hatch that is not semisperical?? I'm having some problems 
with a good canopy seal that would also serve as a hatch. I tend to 
overdesign things sometimes (especially for life and limb), and I've got 
some designs, but they seem awkward. I'm sure if I ponder (my wife hates 
when I do that) the problem for the next month, I'll have a good seal that 
is quick to open and close, but it would help if there where some 
collaboration here (credit always given where due). I'll also be making a 
clay model of my design in the next month, then a scale model, some 
experiments, maybe a variable pressure cavitation tunnel (anyone know what 
that is??)or something similar for optimizing and testing the propulsion 
system. Then come the prints (drawings). That should complete phase one. 
Mostly gray matter type work. Well, it used to be gray, ha. Thanks for all 
the suggestions and support so far. This has been really exciting.

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