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Re: Control surfaces

Hello Paul:
I've been looking through a bunch of online surplus parts catalogs lately.
They have a way of sparking the imagination.  One such catalog has a wide
variety of air cylinders.  You may be familiar with the site.
http://www.herbach.com or maybe http://www.bgmicro.com  I believe they also
have solenoids, pressure gauges, etc. at very reasonable prices. To
eliminate drag, the air tanks, solenoids, actuating cylinders and related
mechanisms  could be placed between the pressure hull and an outer hull. The
only through hull connection would be an electrical one.  Just
brainstorming.  By the way, are you thinking about dive planes, or
rudder/elevator type surfaces?
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Suds <paul_suds@hotmail.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Saturday, August 28, 1999 2:10 PM
Subject: Control surfaces

>I'm still conceptulizing, but have reduced my problem areas down to about
>six. One not included, but one that could make a big difference with
>controlability is control actuators. What are some of the mechanisms for
>controlling surfaces outside of the hull? I do not want to use mechanical
>penetrations through the hull, and would like to exclude use of a hydraulic
>pump or cylinder inside the hull (person powered). Ideally this actuator
>would be controlled electrically, via joy stick, where the actuator would
>outside the hull. Unfortunately, that probably means another motor that
>would have to be sealed. Play would have to be minimal. At this point I'm
>open to any good suggestions, mechnical/hydraulic/electric/magnetic, hull
>penetration or not.
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