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Re: Pressure washers

    A power washer pump is most probably going to be a roller pump or gear
pump and not a centrifugal pump.  If you can locate one, you could use a
bypass or relief valve set to the pressure you want to operate at.  When
the pump reaches this pressure it simply opens the valve enough to bypass
the flow.  Caution, you probably should not have a lot of air in such a
testing system in case of breach.  In that case the energy stored in the
compressed air could cause someone some damage!  If the pressure vessel is
filled with non-compressable fluid (water) you will lower the danger.
    Another option would be use oil.  Fill the test chamber with nothing
but oil and attach a hydraulic cylinder to the chamber.  Use leverage to
apply external force to the cylinder to push the fluid into the test
chamber.  This way you do not even need a pump.

Gary Boucher

At 05:06 AM 8/25/99 -0700, you wrote:
>  I like the pressure washer idea... but... wouldn't the motor burn out
>in short order with no cooling fluids actually moving through it?  Also
>if I'm not mistaken (which I certainly could be) if you have a
>centrifugal pump arrangemenet in which no water is allowed to exit
>(i.e. up to pressure), the water int the "spinning part" will approach
>the angular momentum of the impelers, causing less and less rotational
>resistance... and the motor winds up speeding up something fierce?  I
>wonder if it's a piston drivin pump... do such things exist?  I guess
>piston pump with overpressure relief would be good.  Hmm.  
>  What about a hydraulic ram?  As uncompressible as water is, I would
>imagine it would take *very* little compression of the liquid to get
>1400 lbs over ambient in a sealed vessel.  How about a cylinder coming
>out of the side( or for construction simplicity, just allow the ram
>itself to enter the internal fluid area), and a 2-4 ton ram pushing a
>fitted piston down into it?  Could be hand powered.  Hmm.
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